

Nokia 808 PureView vs Canon EOS 5D and Minolta A1 (and a look at 808 accessories agian)

| July 23, 2012 | 0 Comments


I just saw this RT’d by John Pope. It’s another look at the Nokia 808 PureView with some comparisons to the Minolta A1 and Canon EOS 5D.

The iPhone colours….they might be wrong but there seems to be quite a lot of people that love the over saturation (until of course, a Nokia does it and then over saturation is bad :/ ).  Anyway, this article is even more proof about the power of the oversampling from PureView.

What I found most interesting is the comparison with the Canon EOS 5D.

For this image:

“As 808 PureView lacks the ability to oversample images automatically to 12MP, test photo was done on a tripod and manually oversampled to fit dimensions that Canon 5D produced. What you can see in crops is not a trick. There is no photo editing whatsoever, and both devices fired in auto mode. 808 managed to provide more details in every single part of test photo; be it sprocket in the background, be it blade of grass above the plastic shovel, be it holes on the cardboard box or fibres on the broom.”

Surpassing all other camera phones is something we’re taking for granted now in the Nokia 808 PureView. It’s even eating up pocket cams, dedicated digicams and giving DSLR’s a good fight too. It’s quite something to even be compared to a DSLR, let alone come out with images that are supposedly better (in certain conditions).

“The matter is quite simple, really – in some conditions PureView can outperform anything. That is all.”

There’s much more to the article than the camera. You get a brief section on Belle and a look at the eye patch cover and the tripod stand thingy too.



Category: Nokia

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