

Nokia X2 vs. Bullet = A life saved and X2 a real hero

| August 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

Today, in the early morning (3.00 AM) a friend of mine on Facebook messaged me reporting about an incident which happened in Syria where a civil war is going on.

A Nokia X2 user, who lives there in Syria was filming the fight going on between the rebels and military.
Bombs and bullets were being fired like throwing water on fire, X2 user came more closer to battle site.

He was capturing video with his X2 almost in front of his mouth, holding X2 with his right hand.

On getting closer to battle site, a bullet was fired towards him and it struck!…….not on him (phew!). That bullet got stuck into his Nokia X2 and he got away without a single scratch.

At any rate, this was a real breathtaking incident and just goes to show that Nokia devices are actually tough to beat with respect to build quality. The other Nokia phones like 1600, 1100, etc and now X2 are proof that Nokia devices are like ‘invincible’. And yes, this is a real incident.

The Nokia expert

Cheers Waseem.

Edit by Jay


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An engineering student, java programmer, little hardware and software hacking, and a Nokia freak. Contact: , twitter: @Techgeass feel free to contact.