

PureView replaces Stephen Elop’s SLR. WSJ calls 808 Breathtaking – would replace iPhone with Lumia PureView.

| August 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Stephen Elop tweeted yesterday,

@WSJ calls Nokia 808 PureView “breathtaking” Couldn’t agree more. Pureview technology has definitely replaced my SLR.

Darn twitter now fails to show user’s last tweets until you click ‘all’ so I didn’t see this yesterday.

Anyway, the post in question is this:

They’re very harsh in calling Symbian a 3 legged mangey dog. I totally disagree with the 808 feeling plasticky. If this feels plasticky, I wonder how they feel about 99% of the other inferiorly built phones out there. Maybe yes on the buttons. But the rest? Nope.

On the camera:

Normally I use an iPhone, and while the images are OK, you always feel you are compromising on quality. That is not the case with the 808. Using the macro setting, it was possible to see individual hairs on a grasshopper (see photo above). From glaring midday sun, to late evenings, the phone handled the lighting excellently.

The author, Ben Rooney, says a WP/Lumia PureView would be good enough to consider ditching his iPhone.

Well, unfortunately we won’t be seeing any Lumia PureViews any time ‘soon’.

Cheers Joni for the tip.


Category: Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone

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