

Windows Phone rises to 32% of sales in Finland, catching up to Android on 36%

| September 4, 2012 | 20 Replies

Earlier today we glanced at statcounter details for Finland. Something we often note is that this shows all phones in use (via browser and thus extrapolated marketshare), and NOT current sales. This means that gains in marketshare with relatively small percentages might actually indicate larger overall percentage of current sales given that there is little to no userbase for WP prior to Lumia.

Janne found an article from reporting that currently, Windows Phone has risen to 32% in Finland (also note, Finland’s population is quite small). Android is slightly ahead at 36%. Given how recent Lumia’s introduction was to Finland vs Android/iOS, that’s not too bad.

Finland is a very interesting market since it is the land of Nokia. People do have a sense of loyalty towards the Finnish brand but they are also open to phones from other manufacturers using other OSes, actively choosing the non home grown OS since at least 2009 (possibly 2008, but there is no data before this).

Statcounter makes a note that from April it stopped including S40 into Symbian.

Quite correctly, global marketshare is quite modest. Sadly what happens in Finland is not immediately the same in the rest of the world (they have growth but very modest…well except Brazil). But come Q4, things may finally start working out for Nokia, what with new WP8 Lumias and potentially hundreds of millions of expected new W8 users getting accustomed to Metro.


Cheers Janne for the tip


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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