

No, Nokia Did NOT Fake The Image Stabilization Video (Updated)

| September 5, 2012 | 70 Replies

Rumors are going around about the teaser/Reveal video of the Optical Image Stabilization in the Lumia 920, as you can see in the image above the video was indeed filmed inside a moving van. True there was a bit of advertising deceit involved in the video itself, the boy riding on a bike with the 820 in the beginning would suggest that the whole thing was filmed on a bicycle, but think about it; how can you film with two devices while steering a bike? (especially when you’re a paid actor and not a BMX rider). Even filming with a single phone in your hand, OIS or not is near impossible, it’s not as easy as you think to have the viewfinder in focus while doing something else- I struggle while filming reviews on my desk when I look away from the recorder for 5 seconds, try that while riding on a bike with a prototype phone in your hand.

Yes, the video was filmed from inside a van driving alongside the girl, but I’m quite sure that both videos were shot from INSIDE the van, after all we did see the Jig used to capture the photos (during the event) where it held the SGS3 besides the Lumia 920, I think that’s possible what the man in the van is holding that same contraption/jig while filming.

Pretend that that part of the video was really staged, does it make the technology or the rest of the video any less impressive?

That wasn’t the only example of the OIS in the video, and I think this YouTube comment sums up my thoughts perfectly:

UPDATE: (from nokia)

“Note: The Lumia 920 pictures in this post were taken using prototype hardware and software, and then reduced dramatically in size. In addition, the OIS video, above, was not shot using the Lumia 920.””


Category: Nokia, Video

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Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.