

Nokia Lumia 920 PureView phase 2 trumps Nokia 808 PureView in low light without flash. 920 available ‘later this year’.

| September 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

I’m not sure about you but one thing we haven’t seen is how the Nokia Lumia 920 with PureView phase 2 does against the phenomenal Nokia 808 PureView (phase 1). Against competitor smartphones, I knew that the 920 would blow them away but I thought it would concede to the 808.

Colour me surprised when I see that the image stabiliser does wonders in absolute low light sans flash. There are situations where even my favourite xenon just isn’t enough (close up/people shots within 2m are great though).

In this video you can see the 920 performing wonderfully.This doesn’t mean the 808 is bad, it just means there’s certain conditions where the 920 would be a more appropriate device.

Note, there is no flash. The initial white light coming from the 920 is the focus assist only.

The OIS floating lens PureView 2 in video is stunning. I keep thinking the demo guy stops shaking his hand because the picture becomes really smooth, but he’s still actually shaking!

Lumia 920 is said to be ‘available LATER this year’ :(.

by  <<( I didn’t realise I was already subscribed to Chippy’s alternative channel until I saw it in my feed :p)

I think I will still enjoy the 808 more for night outs when it’s super dark, people may be moving and I’d need the power of xenon and fast shutter speed to freeze the moment. PureView 2 isn’t so much about freezing, but getting light in the camera where flash wouldn’t really help. It would be very interesting to see how much the improved LED light helps given that the camera is super sensitive in low light.

PureView 2 may be better for scenic shots, shots where subjects are quite far away and it’s dark (so flash won’t help) and for smoother video.

As a fuller smartphone experience for me, I’d go for the 920 (I still carry both 900 for smartphone stuff, 808 for camera) but that’s because that’s what I’m used to. There will also be others for whom, 808 is the perfect camera smartphone.



Category: Lumia, Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone

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