

Apple claims iPhone 5 has most advanced display, conveniently forgets the superior display in Nokia Lumia 920

| September 20, 2012 | 0 Comments


An interesting article over at (obtained from wpcentral forums). There’s a screenshot of the new iPhone saying it’s the world’s most advanced display. It’s normally fine when Apple says ‘Our’ in front of it, as that’s enough to fool some people that it encompasses all, but not enough to be misleading. This one however clearly indicates it’s talking about displays from other manufacturers.


What makes the Lumia’s screen better than the iPhone 5 screen?

  • Bigger (if you prefer bigger, some don’t. But iPhone’s new selling point is that it has a bigger display, therefore if bigger is an improvement, 920 hellooow?)
  • More pixels!
  • Higher pixel density (this is what Retina Display was all about. And now it’s not higher than the 920)
  • Some kind of clear black for better outdoor visibility
  • PUREMOTION HD+ for a really responsive display
  • SUPER SENSITIVE DISPLAY - use fingernails, gloves, pens, a spatula, whatever it seems because that’s how sensitive the screen on the Lumia is. iPhone says what?
Despite all of that, Apple says their screen is more advanced. explains that is because Apple display focused on ‘ color saturation and the integrated touch’. does not believe that is enough to make such claims of having the most advanced display.





Source: wpcentral


Cheers Michael for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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