

MS/Nokia – Watch out for BlackBerry/RIM – Thorsten Heins out to get you

| September 30, 2012 | 201 Replies

Never underestimate the competition. Nokia and MS must be alert and on guard at all times, especially for Nokia who ignored the advancing competition. For Nokia, this resulted in a change from the undisputed king to the perpetual underdog.

Someone else in their situation is RIM, also once highly regarded in the smartphone space is a shadow of their former self. They’re also looking for a comeback, but this would be at Nokia’s expense should BB10 overtake WP. I mean, it won’t exactly be difficult as WP is no where. For some of Nokia’s vocal Symbian/MeeGo fans, BB10 actually offers an interesting alternative (more so because it seems to ‘borrow’ a lot of things from the Nokia N9/Swipe UI whilst calling it their innovation).

It won’t be a walk in the park for either side. Whilst BB10 looks promising, and BB does have mindshare, WP8 has manufacturers like HTC, Samsung and of course Nokia pulling out some very interesting hardware (well, maybe not Samsung). WP8 still has hope on its side that it will also deliver some promising consumer features that have yet been announced. But ignoring that, WP8 will finally get assistance from the launch of the new version of Windows: A metro filled W8.

We shouldn’t really discount the fate of either. BB10 should not be dismissed but neither should Nokia Lumia WP8 (the go to WP). We need MS to continue full steam on Windows and Windows Phone whilst Nokia continues to deliver innovation in hardware, location and value added apps/services.

Source: smh

Cheers Paul Grenfell for the tip!



Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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