

Weekend Read: GeneralTheDestroyer on BBC’s Russel Howard’s Good News

| October 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

I’m in the middle of some Uni work, BBC iPlayer on the side for background noise when I hear on Russell Howard’s Good News programme, a very familiar voice.

GeneralTheDestroyer?! Did a youtube video spontaneously load? Nope, GeneralTheDestroyer was on the BBC programme (3rd October) being quoted contrasted against some die hard iPhone fans, with his usual colourful language, “iPhone 5 is a f*** piece of s***!”.

Love him or hate him, GeneralTheDestroyer is one vocal guy that knows what he likes regarding tech. Fortunately, he’s a big fan of Nokia things. Nokia Lumia, Nokia 808 PureView, and now Nokia Lumia 920.

Russell Howard’s Good News is a pretty popular show in the UK, kudos to GTD for being on UK tv :). I’ve not watched the full episode or even the latest one so GTD might make multiple appearances (as Russell enjoy’s long running jokes in between his episodes, maybe they’ll even talk about his crazy Nokia obsession :D). Hopefully, since Russell’s show is pretty much a snapshot of Reddit, he’ll pick up on some of the ridiculous tumblr Apple maps stuff.


Category: aPPLE, Nokia

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