

Imaging Guru, Damian Dinning leaving Nokia?

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

Terrible news that I’m finding hard to come to terms with. Supposedly, Nokia’s imaging Guru, Damian Dinning is leaving Nokia.

AmateurPhotographer reports that one of the main driving forces behind Nokia’s imaging department will no longer be at Nokia. A statement apparently from Nokia UK said:

Following the relocation of key strategic roles to Finland, and with great reluctance, Damian Dinning has made a personal decision to leave the company effective 30 November 2012 VIA

What are you playing at Nokia? I hope there’s some silver lining to this story. Or that it’s not true :/ I was just tweeting today about how much I was also enjoying PureView in the new Lumia 920. Blergh.

As noted in comments, the imaging team at Nokia is still there working hard to keep Nokia ahead in imaging.

Cheers Mapantz and steelicon for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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