

Google promoting Nokia Maps for WP as it blocks access to on Windows Phone

| January 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Whilst the tables are turning in Google’s power, they seem to be doing their best in dishing out some hard cold revenge on Microsoft. First gmail, then youtube, now access is blocked for Windows Phone.  If I go on it, I just get redirected to a google search.

To be fair, I have no reasons to use google maps for navigation on my Lumia. Perhaps, for certain POI searches which Nokia Maps doesn’t have (but that can be found in search).

Having said that, YouTube still plays fine in both browser and app (it’s just YouTube access supposedly isn’t as great as it could be, though folks who have madd work arounds have created something very great to use in apps like MetroTube).

“Do no evil” is a phrase that keeps popping up in Reddit comments. Appear to do no evil at least, when you’re the underdog. When you’re at the top, dish it all out. Who’s gonna stop you, eh? 🙂 Is this restriction an actual evil though? Or is there more that MS could be doing?

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There’s already a pretty good discussion on this over at:

Quite clever of Google. WP is no where near a threat, or competition to Android yet, but make sure you do all you can to fizzle it out so it never becomes one.

Is a wrong a wrong, or is MS getting their just desserts? How soon before the world we live in just becomes Google Earth?


Category: Nokia

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