

Weekend Read: NokConv’s 10 top tricks for your Nokia Lumia 920 (and other Lumias)

| January 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

Screen Shot 2013-01-12 at 13.06.32Just taking a break from revision and found this useful Weekend Read over at NokConv.

It’s a 10 top tricks for your Nokia Lumia 920, but applicable pretty much to other Lumias.

Note also, it’s worth noting that even unfreezing your phone is one of the tips. Quite useful in a 920 where the battery cannot be removed, and something you may encounter until you’ve had the new update (not really something I experienced on previous gen Lumias, but I have with the 920. It oddly does it with the same frequency as my iPad. Not that frequent but annoying when it happens.).

Do you have any Lumia user tips yourself? Any specific for the 920?



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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