

Lumia user creates Wood Veneer shell for his Nokia Lumia 920

| January 22, 2013 | 0 Comments

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How cool is this? A forum member at has made a DIY phone shell out of wood for his Nokia Lumia 920. These personalised shells aren’t gonna be for 820 users and their 3D printers only, no, no, no :).

Hi folks you wanted to present my project! Since I was one already wanted to attract attention with his smartphone I’ve let the here think twice =) Just ordered on ebay the original gray cover and with my carpenter walnut laid veneer worried and loss … And I think my work has paid off looks good do not you think?

It looks like it begins with a grey 920 (possibly just the shell as opposed to being removed from a 920?)


The shell parts are removed

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and a veneer put on

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Screen Shot 2013-01-22 at 11.46.14Varnish?

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Major props to this guy! Looking rather swish.
Screen Shot 2013-01-22 at 11.47.19Thanks wammel for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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