

Pocketnow’s Nokia Lumia 920 durability report. “It’s a TANK”

| February 13, 2013 | 0 Comments

Screen Shot 2013-02-13 at 00.03.32Michael (Tony Stark) Fischer has PocketNow’s Durability Report for the Nokia Lumia 920 below.

How’s the Nokia Lumia 920 3 months after no case? Looks to be in pretty excellent shape but with some tell-tale scratches (these aren’t visible when the screen is on). These small scratches apparently occurred when crashing to the floor which Michael says would have killed any other device. Despite the glossy finish, it’s hard to see scratches. The ‘metal’ (ceramic) bit is a lot more durable than the metal bit from the old Lumias (amazingly, mine had no scratches).

Despite being beat up, Michael says the 920 has help up much better than other devices he’s owned. The floating lens, despite what folks might have thought, is not so vulnerable to drops.

“The Nokia Lumia 920 might be thick and heavy, but there’s a reason for it”.

It’s a tank.




Category: Lumia, Nokia

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