

Video: Unannounced Slim Lumia appears in Nokia Lumia 920 Promo from KPN Netherlands?

| February 15, 2013 | 71 Replies

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It was a futile attempt to get any sleep prior to a day of doing Nokia stuff. So let’s blog 🙂

Here’s a nice little love story of sorts from KPN Netherlands, starring the one and only Nokia Lumia 920 in yellow and black. The kid seems to be infatuated with the girl above (even making sort of creepy sculptures of her)
Screen Shot 2013-02-15 at 06.12.03The thing is, these are 920s right?

What’s this? It’s got curvy edges. It’s not a 620 or a 820 or a 610 or a 710.

The back resembles a 822 except the headphone jack seems to be different and the phone looks to be as slim as the headphone jack itself.

Maybe I didn’t get enough sleep and have forgotten the obvious Lumia.

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It seems to be slim and tapered on the side…
Screen Shot 2013-02-15 at 06.22.59 Screen Shot 2013-02-15 at 06.22.51It looks like a 822 but that’s just for Verizon right? And again, note the little bump for the headphones.

The thing is, this phone she’s using isn’t even meant to be this random lumia. It’s meant to be the 920.

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Cheers  jjking for the tip!





Category: Nokia

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