

Video: Asha Mobile Games, Asha Street Art in Rio, Nokia Slam

| March 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

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A few videos for you from Nokia, first up, a video showing some of the selection of games available for Asha.

Next up, street art in Rio, apparently related to the Social apps in Asha

Screen Shot 2013-03-05 at 10.29.33Finally Nokia Slam. It’s a nice feature and a great name!

Nokia Slam makes it easier than ever to share content such as photos, videos and contacts. There’s no tricky set-up or pairing needed – just select SLAM, connect with another device and that’s it. Your content is shared.

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Category: Applications, Asha, Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]