

Videos: Nokia Lumia 720 and 520 hands on from Nokia India Launch

| March 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Here’s Vaibhav Sharma from TheHandheldBlog· who was at the Nokia India launch of the Nokia Lumia 720 and 520. He’s got some hands on outside of the demo booths it seems so you can hear him talking to you about their features without too much noise from others.

As we heard yesterday, the 520 is expected in India for early April with the 720 appearing mid-April.

There are also a few more videos after Vaibhav’s from the other attendees.

Video by TheHandheldBlog·

Here’s another hands on by iGyaan

Video by iGyaan

This one might be on the show floor (by intellectdigest)

by intellectdigest

Another on the show floor

by nothingwired


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Video

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