Video: Elop Tosses Talk Show Hosts iPhone to The Floor; Promises to Replace it with a Nokia

| March 22, 2013 | 90 Replies


In a recent interview with Elop on Finnish TV (check out Jay’s blow by blow commentary in the post below if you haven’t seen it yet), the presenter showed Elop his iPhone and said he wants it to be a Nokia. Through the magical powers of tossing a phone across the room Elop promised to replace it with a Nokia (the presenter was hung up on the Lumia 928).

Is it just me or does Elop seem more “charismatic” and not his usual all professional self? He seems quite relaxed in fact.



Category: Lumia, Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

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Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.