

Because of Nokia, Windows Phone now Number 2 Mobile Os in India

| March 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

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According to WMPU, MS revealed that in India, WP is now the number 2 mobile O2 behind Android. Just how far behind Android, they didn’t say but they’ve propped themselves up nicely there thanks to their ‘partners’ namely of course, Nokia.

Nokia has been rated as the most trusted brand in India, once dominating the Indian market on its own, now it uses MS’s WP for its main smartphone line. The likes of the 620 is getting Nokia much more attraction as the reviewers around the world have praised, that is precisely what an entry level smartphone should be – so much high end smartphone experience but for an entry level price, and Nokia continues to fortify the foundations with the likes of the 720 and 520 said to appear very, very soon in India.

Source: WMPU

Cheers manu for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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