

Video: Bypassing the lockscreen on the Nokia N950 (950!) by crashing it?

| March 27, 2013 | 9 Replies

Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 20.51.17GSM Arena have story that attempts to lump in the Nokia N9 with the recently defective Androids that have glitches allowing bypassing of the lockscreen (such as Sammy’s SGS3).

Well firstly, the device in the video ISN’T a Nokia N9. It’s the 950. (The title of the video clearly says this). It has a physical keyboard which the N9 does not. Now I’m not sure if pairing the N9 to a keyboard could do the same thing. Small difference perhaps but it might make quite a different outcome.

Secondly – the N950 was never for sale for the general consumer. Who’s going to get affected?

Lastly – when was the last time the firmware for the N9 was updated? Who’s working on the N9 anymore?

Now, of course, it’s not a good thing that this is actually possible. I can’t be certain that this can be replicated amongst other N950s (a quick search returns no other occurrence) so N950 users (or even N9 users on BT keyboard) might shed some more light on this. I’d be a lot more worried if this was something that happened to devices barely a year old from release.

Point? This really isn’t a consumer issue is it?

Source: GSMArena

Cheers Alvester for the tip!



Category: Nokia

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