Samsung acknowledges dirty ‘unfortunate’ tactics in writing false hate against competition
Not sure if any of you picked this up but apparently, good old Samethang (who rose to fame on Apple’s coat tails and are now doing very well on their own and we recognise that) are not content with their huge progress. More underhanded tactics as Samsung has been caught paying fake hate against their competition (in this case, HTCopyPasta).
Local investigation is undergoing in Taiwan. Samsung admitted that the ‘unfortunate incident’ did occur. Â There’s a statement over at TheRegister showing a press release where Samsung agrees they won’t do this anymore.
Whilst there’s a few things that can be learned by Nokia from Samsung’s speedy rise to the top, this is not one of them. Whether it’s undeserved praise for your own products or false hate against the competition, when coming from the company itself, these are just wrong. Unfortunately, these things are rife in the web.  It’s hard to tell what’s a genuine comment or not. (Note, these actual ‘paid’ commenters are quite different to fanboys that might do the same job for free but out of the passion for that said company. Not that all fanboys do that.
We have experienced some repeated positives in one article here that we became suspicious of and marked as spam (and closed off comments). As much as we love pro-Nokia, we love genuine pro-Nokia things)
Sources: PC Advisor |  TheRegister
Cheers all for the tip!
Category: Nokia
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