

What went wrong with MeeGo? Dave Neary explains

| May 8, 2013 | 0 Comments

N9 N900


There are many stories from many sides as to what actually went wrong with MeeGo.

Here’s another over at TechRadar in an interview with Dave Neary who worked on MeeGo.–1147770

  • Nokia apparently lost faith in the project. But how? Apparently in the way MeeGo came about, as a marriage of Moblin and Maemo, negotiating who’s components would go into the programme (Intel’s stuff or Nokia’s stuff).
  • At the time MeeGo was launched, Nokia was a few months away from launching what became N900 and N9 (N900 was already announced in 2009 though :/ Maybe they mean N950?)
  • More than a year later until the devices were launched
  • Different UI between Nokia and Intel. Dave says he understands Nokia’s position, as Nokia had been working on Maemo 6 and were literally months from releasing that device and suddenly all the work would have to be redone. Cutting corners and fixing for the next version took longer than expected.

Category: MeeGo, Nokia

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