

Nokia’s Jussi Mäkinen congratulates Jolla crew on their first phone

| May 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

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I still remember my first glimpse of Jussi Mäkinen when he demoed the Nokia N900 for the first time and later the Nokia N9. Jussi’s working on the new Ashas now (R&D, Design, Product marketing) which many are describing as being sort of mini N9 esque.

Whilst Nokia is in competition with Jolla for consumers, The trail of Maemo-MeeGo-Nokia across these two Finnish companies is still evident. Jussi just tweeted congratulations to Jolla on unveilling their first product. He says he knows they’ve been working so hard and wishes Jolla good luck :). Aww, nice. It’s not all about fighting talk.

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Category: Jolla, Nokia

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