

HERE Maps for WP8 updated with Live Sight

| May 22, 2013 | 13 Replies

Early this morning, my Lumia 820 got prompted with an update for HERE Maps. I pressed update, without paying much attention, as I was half asleep still. Doing the rounds on the interwebs, I saw Nokia Conversations had posted about the update.

HERE Maps has been updated, and comes with the new LiveSight Augmented Reality feature. As Pino reports on NokConv, LiveSight will also work completely offline. HOW COOL IS THAT!

Here’s the snippet from NokConv:

How is HERE better with LiveSight?

HERE uses sight navigation as a new way to discover and find your way through the world. Sometimes pins on a map are not quite enough, LiveSight uses sight to recognize and identify places around you simply, by looking around through your phone’s display.

In HERE Maps, LiveSight allows you to pinpoint exactly where you’re going just by looking. Just open HERE Maps, tap the LiveSight icon and pan around. LiveSight reveals shops, restaurants and your favourite places as virtual signs on buildings right on your screen.

With LiveSight you can ‘see’ the place you’re looking for, and know which way you need to walk, even in crowded areas.

HERE Maps with LiveSight is about getting you where you’re going quickly, even when there are no house numbers or if all the buildings look alike. So LiveSight in HERE Maps lets you literally see your destination.

And there’s one more bonus… LiveSight in HERE Maps works completely offline too.

I’m bogged down with uni work today to go try it out in a real world scenario, but hopefully I’ll play around with it later this week, and maybe record a quick hands-on.

Source: NokConv

Whilst on the subject on HERE getting updates, we got tipped about a post on  Whirlpool’s Forum:

A nice overhaul of HERE maps is on the way, it is going to include the direction you are travelling on the maps like the iphone and I’d imagine it will tie in to the ecosystem better!

Talk to @heremaps on twitter, they are the ones that told me they are testing the update!

Cheers Glenn for the tip!


Category: Applications, HERE, Lumia, update, Windows Phone

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Hi! My name is Michael. I currently live in Sydney, working on all things Digital Marketing. I have a real passion for the latest technology and I'm a real Nokia buff! My aim is to keep those of you, like myself, updated with the latest in what's going on in the Nokia World. Get in touch on Twitter via @MFaroTusino, or even simply drop me an email at mike.mnb[at] or tips[at]