

MyDreamNokia #91: Sexy Nokia Lumia 945 PureView, 41MP f/2.0 – 925/920 inspired

| June 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Oooh, pretty pretty. In comes MyDreamNokia from Edgar Mkrtchyan. It’s like a blend of the 925 and 920.

  • 4.7″ 1080p screen
  • 3500mAh
  • 32/64gb
  • 10mm
  • 41mp, xenon
  • Snapdragon S600 2GB RAM (1.9GHz quadcore w/ Adreno 320 GPU?)

Nothing out of the ordinary, these are specifications we’re expecting from Nokia in 2013.

Here’s another concept PureView (41MP) I expected a lot. I kept the design of Lumia 920 by mixing it with the Lumia 925. The frame is made of anodized aluminum and the back shell is customizable, made of polycarbonate.
I placed the speakers on the front as the HTC One because I find it more convenient. The form of the camera is very similar to Nokia 808 but does not exceed much in thickness. I planned several colors of the back shell (Yellow, Cyan, White, Black, Red ..)

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Loving the curved glass for aesthetic reasons.

The back is 925-like but works well here for that camera bump.


Category: Concept, Dream Nokia, Lumia, Nokia

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