

Video LOL: Nokia Wireless Charging Plate sneakily pushing Nexus 4 off whilst charging :p

| June 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

lol nexus 920

Maybe I’m in a weird revision mood but I found it funny to see this video where the Nokia Wireless Charging Plate slowly pushes off the Nexus 4 off its surface, as if to reject this non-Nokia heathen.

It works as it charges wirelessly via electromagnetism. The slippery glass surface has no friction and just slowly slides away. Other than that, it also works from the Nokia wireless charging accessory.

As per the comment in this video, the one that thought wireless charging was useless because you still have to plug in the charger or complaining that it’s not that much more difficult to plug in.

Well, it’s not the difficulty or the true wireless everywhere that this solves. It’s just that this type of wireless charging is super convenient. Just resting it on a table or a bedside table and my phone gets charged up – soooo convenient! Not having to plug something in seems like a miniscule achievement, but it’s more so how easy it is to just plop the phone down one handed and have your phone charge. Do you plug your charger in one handed?



Category: Lumia, Nokia, Video

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