

Videos: Adam Giles demoes the Nokia Lumia 925 on Carphone Warehouse’s Eye Opener Channel

| June 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Product Experience Manager at Nokia, Adam Giles is on Carphone Warehouse’s  Eye Openers channel demoing the panoramic photo feature on the Nokia Lumia 925.

Adam has been featured here a few times as he seems to be one of the few people Nokia have that can actually demo Nokia handsets properly, i.e. naturally, informatively but in an interesting and  usually captivating manner.

To be fair, presenting is a lot harder than it seems to it’s best to keep using someone who knows what they’re doing and does it really well.

There’s more Adam here:

And finally, Adam ‘reviewing’ the 925.

Interesting demo here. Look how the camera filming the 925 appears to be in the dark but this photo was captured by the 925, with the person just in front.

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I love action shot!

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All the camera apps have improved greatly. The only one I have an issue with is panorama. Why? I remember sweeping panoramas on my Nokia N900. Sure, for accuracy and also the use of OIS it might help to align and pause – but for overall usability, sweep might be better.


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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