

Limited Edition #TeamRed and #TeamYellow Nokia Lumia 920 for Lions Tour – Chance to Win one for yourself!

| June 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

rugby lads

With MS as Nokia’s partner, and MS as the Technical partner for the Lions tour of Australia, Nokia made something to commemorate the occasion. One of Nokia’s top devices, made in red and yellow (as well as black/cyan/white/grey) is the Nokia Lumia 920 so Nokia wanted to get rugby mad fans to show their colours and support their team.

There’s a limited number of these, some have been given to the Lions squad. But there’s 3 left of each colour, Red and Yellow, all engraved.

@Nokia_UK are going to be giving them over the next 2 tests.


rugby 920

Cheers Nokia_Connects for the heads up!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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