

Temple Run demoed on Nokia Lumia 520/620/720-Officially working on 512MB lumia (+ get around 1GB restriction hack)

| June 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Yesterday you may have seen the video introducing a hack that allows users to download, install and play Temple Run on the likes of the Nokia Lumia 520, 620 or 720 – devices with 512MB RAM.

You no longer need to put the store through a proxy to do that. Apparently it’s officially available as noted by the video below from NokNok – an official Nokia related blog.

More interesting is feedback from users saying that yesterday’s hack wasn’t just for Temple Run, it allowed them to run other 1GB restriction apps on their 512MB Lumias.


Cheers Mike for the tip!


Category: Applications, Lumia, Nokia

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