

WP8: iPhone down 10% in Europe, WP up 73%. Advanced ‘phablet?’ Nokia Lumia to push Compal shipments up in Q3?

| June 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

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A couple of related stories reported by WMPU.

First up, whilst Q1 2013 European iPhone’s shipments is on the decline, -10% year on year, Windows Phone courtesy of Nokia is up 73%. Notably higher rate of growth than the market’s 12%.

That’s roughly 1m WP for every 3.3M iOS – not bad.

Secondly, Compal’s chairman says Q3 going to ramp up, with H2 being much better than the first half of the year. In addition to Android based KeyLime pie handsets, there’ll be some ‘advanced WP8’ units. Goldman Sachhs predicts this growth to be due to Nokia, Sony and Lenovo.

The Nokia ‘EOS’ Lumia 1020 is expected to be officially announced in its 41MP glory by July 11th, availability heavens knows. A phablet Nokia is also expected, rumoured to be around the 6″ mark (not too crazy. We have 6.3 and 6.4″ phablets from Sammy and soon from Sony).

Whilst these high end units raise the bar and the image of WP8, it’s the likes of the Nokia Lumia 520/620 and 720 that carve out marketshare.

Source: WMPU (1, 2)

Cheers Derrek for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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