

Blackberry quarterly results don’t appear to be a big threat to Nokia

| June 28, 2013 | 0 Comments


Today Blackberry announced its quarterly results for the first quarter of the 2014 fiscal year. Normally I’m not that interested in what the competition does in terms of devices shipped, I care far more about the experience they deliver in both the hardware they sell and after sales. Hence I chose Nokia.

This time it is a little more interesting since quite a few people mentioned that Blackberry, with their Z10, might beat Nokia in terms of sales. Unfortunatly though the quarterly results are pretty bad. Even a Blackberry fan can’t deny that the company is going through some pretty rough times. Blackberry managed to ship(!) 6.8 million smartphones, which in itself isn’t bad but neither is it good. The real problem lies in the fact that only 40% (or 2.7 million) of all those shipments were BB10 devices, the full touch Z10 and touch keyboard equipped Q10. Which goes to show that early analysis (or analysts) can’t always be trusted, since there were reports that the Z10 sold close to or over an estimated 4 million units.

Of course, it remains to be seen what Nokia did over the past quarter. It shouldn’t be hard to beat that 2.7 million number, but the total amount of 6.8 million is a little harder since the sales target lies at only 7.1 million. The key is what kind of number Nokia will present next month, will it be devices shipped or devices sold? It’ll be interesting to see how Nokia did, but we’ll have to wait a while to see those results.

Thanks for the tip


Category: Nokia

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