

Nokia Lumia 1020 produces sharper photos than the Nokia 808 PureView?

| July 11, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Just a quick bit of info from the blogger session with Eero Salmelin and Juha Alakarhu. Juha noted that despite the Nokia Lumia 1020 being thinner, it will produce sharper pictures than the Nokia 808 PureView.

We have some a video to explain this a bit more when we get the chance to connect online (for a decent period – internet very slow). But the gist I’m getting from the product managers is that the Nokia Lumia 1020 will produce better quality pictures than the Nokia 808 PureView (BSI, 6 element lens, OIS).

Eero says Nokia reduced the module sizes despite producing images that were either as sharp as the 808, or sharper in some tests according to Eero. This should more than compensate for having a slightly smaller image sensor in the 1020 than the 808.

The capacitor for the xenon flash was redesigned. It’s now flat in order to fit in the 1020. Otherwise traditional capacitors would not fit. They said the flash was very powerful.



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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