Nokia Lumia 1020 vs iPhone 5 vs Nokia Lumia 920 low light flash, Xenon vs LED (Spoiler: 1020 demolishes iPhone)
There’s a bunch of sample photos (and possibly videos) from the Nokia Lumia 1020 available on Flickr. The first regular joe set we were asked to take down by AT&T peeps, but more seems to have appeared prior to the official shipping date.
Anyway, the pics we’re looking at here are the ones comparing the 1020 against the iPhone and 920. Here is a test for Xenon vs LED, but really we want examples of freezing movement too which cannot be done with the LED flash and the longer exposure time.
iPhone 5
1020. Notice also the wider angle of the 1020 Close up screenshots
Can you guess which is which now looking closer? :p
What about now? :p
Here’s what an iPhone can see
Oh what’s that to your right, iphone?
Lemme just clear that up for you
Like the 928, the 1020 features OIS and Xenon. But the 1020 also has a huge sensor and oversampling.
There’s a video here but I can’t tell if it’s from the 1020 as the audio doesn’t seem to be clearly in stereo. They also have a 920 so they could be testing that.
Just to show how dark this room was, you know how epic the 920 is at low light without flash…
Here’s the 1020 without flash
These are the results we wanna see and shout about. Differences between current available Nokia product against those of the competition.
Cheers dss for the tip!
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