Nokia’s Adam Giles bustin’ a move at #ZoomParty (filmed on Nokia Lumia 925 – OIS test)
Whilst looking around at the NYC #ZoomReinvented photos (post ready, waiting to be published) Â I noticed one of the videos I recorded at the #ZoomParty was Nokia’s Adam Giles pulling some epic moves.
This is super low light, no flash. The OIS is great, the sound is awesome.
There were Nokia folks recording this with a 1020, I wonder how their video came out.
If you don’t remember Adam, he came attention to MNB after becoming one of the first Nokia people who could actually present a Nokia phone properly. We’ve seen him time and time again showing how this should be done at various other events and promo videos.
This might have been the first time we saw him, with the N8.
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