

DPReview: Nokia Lumia 1020 looks impressive…just what we’d hoped!

| July 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Quick heads up. Camera experts DPReview take a look at the Nokia Lumia 1020 and their headline says the Nokia Lumia 1020 looks impressive. This is just a preliminary test but they said from what they’ve seen they’re excited.

We can only truly give very a preliminary conclusion at this point based on a day of playing with the device, but we are excited about what we’ve seen so far.

From an imaging perspective, the Lumia 1020 appears to be just what we’d hoped: a more advanced version of the PureView technology that blew us away when we first saw it on the 808. And this time around, the Lumia 1020 has even more to offer the photographer who wants to use their mobile as a serious camera. From OIS to an even faster lens to that add-on camera grip that nearly had us convinced we were using a “real” camera, the Lumia 1020 seems to offer a lot of potential. Our initial trials with the device’s auto mode don’t explore the Lumia 1020 fully; we need to delve further into the camera’s actual imaging capabilities: it’s here that we’d like to see what this camera can do.

It’s funny to hear trolls moan about the praise the Nokia Lumia 1020. First it was “wait until reviewers get hold of it” and then it’s “wait until particular reviewers I prefer have a go at it” one such example was wanting feedback from GSM Arena. But they already told us the 1020 is in a class of its own. No other comes close.

What else would you like to moan about, troll?

Cheers Werner Ruotsalainen for the tip! 



Category: Nokia

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