

@Nokia_Connects MVC July: the winner! Congrats Davis Barbars #NokiaConnectsMVC

| August 1, 2013 | 4 Replies

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You may be aware that the reason a few people secretly went off to Finland was for something called the Nokia Connects MVC award, where 5 of the folks featured above were the judges.

The winner of the first award goes to Davis Barbars!

Please excuse the pixelated nature of my post images. VirginMedia are doing an appalling job at providing an internet service so I’m having to use mobile internet (19 hours and counting – it looks to be 48 hours sans internet for my lil sis who doesn’t even have mobile net). Ooh rant over.

Davis painstakingly created a giant Nokia Lumia Windows Phone collage on a door (Ovi!). Impressive stuff.


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So now, onto the next set of nominations. Interestingly enough I saw this link via @detkodave. He’s a Nokia mobile photographer from Hungary who has taken some unbelievably stunning shots on his Nokia phones.

He’s definitely on the list, depending on what the category is for August.

Another person who deserves a nomination of course is Topolino70! How many posts have we had sharing his stunning Nokia videos? From the N8/808 and hopefully videos too from the 1020.

I’d rather them go in separate months as I’d like both to win :p.

We’ve also highlighted many photographs/videos before from other users before, but connection is currently too slow to go have a poke and browse.

Do you know anyone we should nominate? It could even be yourself.

  • Send a tweet to @Nokia_Connects with the url to the piece you are nominating + the #NokiaConnectsMVC hashtag (for images, videos or tweets)
  • Send an email to Paul with the title “#NokiaConnectsMVC nomination” (for anything that requires more explanation or back story)

Category: Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]