

Call and SMS filter for Nokia Lumia with GDR2 Amber update

| August 8, 2013 | 19 Replies

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There’s more surprises for Nokia Lumia users in the GDR2 update thanks to Nokia. It comes by way of update to Extras + Info to which you then get the option to filter/block SMS and Calls. I distinctly remember a couple of readers saying this was really important to them so it’s nice to see it’s there (not something I use myself but maybe I just didn’t know what I was missing).

Video demo below. Rubino says he doesn’t know what ‘withheld’ number means. It just means when no number pops up. In the UK, you can hide your number by putting ‘141’ before a call. You also get an option to have a live tile which will jump straight into this settings. I want to be able to pin other things within my settings. Why can’t I do that already eh? Rubino also says that this is a huge feature that a lot have been asking for so, there you go.

Source: WPC

Via: Reddit


Category: Nokia

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