

Reuters: Nokia New York Event, End of September to announce large screen smartphones

| August 22, 2013 | 25 Replies

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Reuters is reporting that Nokia’s next set of smartphones, with possibly the much awaited Nokia phablet, is due to be launched in an event next month held in New York. via Reddit

Reuter’s sources did not elaborate on the details but specifically mentions a Nokia phablet. Interestingly, the reports note concerns that Nokia is only ‘still’ at 3% marketshare with windowsphone, saying Android and iOS together control 90%. If 3% is such a paltry number, then an additional 7% is not that big a difference either right? If Android has 80%, then iOS is at 10%. Plus, WP has ‘grown’ to 3%, iOS has shrunk (marketshare wise). Much of the growth has come from cheaper models, but that’s the same thing Android has done. Cheap models everywhere and higher end models for those willing to pay for more.


Category: Nokia

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