

For Science! Nokia 808 PureView and fluorescent imaging of viruses and nano particles from UCLA

| September 18, 2013 | 0 Comments
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The attachment itself is apparently 3D printed. We all know how much Nokia loves 3D printing.

Check it out! Some clever people at UCLA have taken the Nokia 808 PureView and used it to conduct fluorescent imaging on viruses.

Mobile phones and smartphones, particularly of the Nokia variety have been instrumental over the years, crossing over into the world of medicine enabling these phones to enhance humanity beyond connecting people. Primary examples include smartphones in areas of diagnostics, telemedicine, research, reference and interventions.

These results [are] the first time that single nanoparticles and viruses have been detected using a cellphone-based, field-portable imaging system

“Given its high sensitivity and field-portability, our [smartphone-based] fluorescence imaging platform could be useful for specific imaging of […] bacteria and viruses in field settings,

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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