

Nokia World October 22nd to share with supposed Apple event

| October 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

nokia versus apple

Nokia World 2013, possibly the last one ever, will take place in October 22nd to reveal at least one new Nokia phablet and possibly a tablet. It’s also the day MS is launching the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 tablets (these haven’t excited me but they have their fans).

Nokia, all the way in Dubai, might have to share the limelight with Apple who AllThingsD say might have an event to show off possibly a new iPad and MBP.

It’s not the first time a competitor tries to get in on a Nokia event. HTC once tried to get attendees in London for Nokia World to go to their launch, and it was also rumoured the following year that Samsung would try the same (but I think that did not happen). Last year there was no Nokia World, though some Nokians internally referred to the 920 launch as just that. Over a year since September 5th, the last major shift in flagships for Nokia (the 1020 is the 920 with 41mp, no?).

The 1520 heralds a much bigger phone with a huge screen. Hopefully WP lends well to the phablet experience.

Source: AllThingsD

Via: TheVerge / Reddit


Category: Nokia

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