

Tick Tock: Before Nokia deal closes, Microsoft to appoint CEO in just over 2 months? Elop still in consideration.

| October 10, 2013 | 29 Replies


By the end of the year, Microsoft may appoint their new CEO. I believe they wanted a replacement for Ballmer initially within 12 months?

In the running?

  • Ford CEO Alan Mulally,
  • Former Nokia CEO (and MS exec) Stephen Elop,
  • former Microsoft executive Paul Maritz
  • Microsoft’s business development and evangelism chief Tony Bates.

He declined  to be considered but apparently MS approached eBay CEO John Donahoe.

Things seem to have stalled whilst Ballmer is on the way out (like things weren’t slow enough already). Microsoft are urgently looking insert a new chief to get things going again. A new CEO is expected before Nokia deal closes

Source: Bloomberg

Via: TheVerge


Category: Nokia

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