

Nokia 909 mystery explained? Nokia Lumia 1020’s alter ego.

| October 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

It’s been discussed a few times here now how the Nokia Lumia 1020 is also known as the Nokia 909. That was the rumoured name for a little while and if you check out the packaging/about/wifi tethering name/sim tray etc you might see more evidence that this is the case.

Michal looked into this matter further and emailed us this article. The original is in Polish at

Interesting. All I was previously used to were the RM/RX style model numbers and the actual model name. Those code numbers aren’t usually seen in packaging or in something like the device name when setting up bluetooth/tethering.


Nokia Lumia 1020 is the official name used for our 41MP PureView Lumia smartphone in every country across the Globe. Though 909 can be seen in the Nokia Lumia 1020 about section, this was simply the development title for the product.

1.Nokia Lumia 1020 is the marketing name used globally in all customer facing marketing materials. Nokia Lumia 1020 is the only name seen in commercials, in point of sales and that is also visible in the sales package carton.

2.NOKIA 909.x is the model number defines the exact version of the product in the sales package. It’s also used in all certifications and type approvals.


3.Model numbers are:

1.NOKIA 909     =  RM-876  =  China PRC

2.NOKIA 909.1  =  RM-875  =  RoW

3.NOKIA 909.2  =  RM-877  =  AT&T

4.NOKIA 909.3  =  RM-877  =  NAM

Usage of 909

•        In the device Settings  > About  > Model: NOKIA 909

•       Browser UA header:  Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows Phone 8.0; Trident/6.0; IEMobile/10.0; ARM; Touch; NOKIA; 909; mobileOperator)

•       MMS UA header:  WindowsPhoneMMS/1.0 WindowsPhoneOS/8.0-10328 909

•       When connected to PC, the phone will be shown as: RM-87x|Nokia 909

•       Camera EXIF data in the photos, Camera maker: Nokia, Camera model: Lumia 1020

•       Lasering on the device on the SIM tray opening: 909.x

•       Certification documents, both Model number: 909.x and Type: RM-87x

•       User Guide has: Nokia Lumia 1020 and Model: Nokia 909.x with smaller font. In the UG content also RM-87x is defined.

•       Sales box: Nokia Lumia 1020 printed on the box, but there’s sticker on the box including Model number: Nokia 909.x




Category: Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]