

Ollila: Choosing OPK’s successor (and MeeGo)

| October 23, 2013 | 0 Comments


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This article reveals more from Ollila’s book which was previously discussed here.

Janne shared a comment from “Random Random” which at first discusses Vanjoki’s part. The whole article is actually a pretty good read. The translator makes it slightly easier to understand than usual though I don’t want to summarise as I’d still be lost in translation. There were three candidates and their vision for Nokia was scrutinised. Vanjoki looked to be the next ideal leader, at least in the eyes of Nokia fans. Not just because he was a Finn but because of his direction to go MeeGo, Qt, Symbian. But it wasn’t that simple.

About Vanjoki as the candidate.

“Emme kuitenkaan tehneet valintaa henkilökohtaisten ominaisuuksien pohjalta tällä kertaa. Vanjoen vetämän liiketoiminnan näytöt eivät nyt tuntuneet riittäviltä. Hän oli johtanut Nokiassa juuri sitä yksikköä, jonka olisi pitänyt kehittää vastaus iPhonelle. Hän oli vastannut uudesta MeeGo-projektista, johon oli palkattu lähes 2000 ihmistä. Kuitenkin Google toteutti Android-ohjelmistonsa 400–500 työntekijällä. MeeGo-projekti ei puolestaan tuottanut toivottuja tuloksia.”

They had hired almost 2000 people working for the MeeGo project while Google implemented Android with just 400-500 people.

Here goes the claim that MeeGo was a cheap small project for only 200 people working for it.


Almost 2000 people and they managed to ship just one phone with all those people working for it.

N950 doesn’t count because it was cancelled already in H1 2010


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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