

The Independent on the Nokia Lumia 2520 “Microsoft take note – this is how it’s done”

| December 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

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A very favourable review from the onset of the title from the folks at The Independent. Calling out Microsoft, they say this is how to make a tablet.

triumph of design and beauty, making Microsoft’s own Surface look clumsy and heavy.–this-is-how-its-done-8971014.html

  • Comfortable enough to feel absolutely portable
  • Design sleekly realised in every way
  • Beautifully simple
  • Superior apps from Nokia
  • In the world of tablet computers, so completely dominated by the iPad, the Nokia Lumia 2520 is a breath of fresh air.

But just exclusively available at John Lewis. Even with JL’s  fancy 7 Million pound stop motion christmas advert, that might not be enough to have sufficient footprint in the store.


Category: Nokia

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