

Video: Nokia Lumia 1520 closer to Canon 6D than Xperia Z1

| December 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

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It was feared that the Z1 would totally outpace the 41mp 1020 when it was announced. Comparisons again and again by several tech blogs showed Sony otherwise. But how will it now fare against Nokia’s 20mp? Quite well in fact. Whilst the Z1 seems to over expose pictures and look dull indoors, the 1520 colours and exposure is more accurate. In low light, Sony has some over aggressive noise reduction resulting in the loss of detail.

The reviewer at TechCloud prefers the look and feel of the photos taken by the 1520. The manual mode they find to be really awesome beating the Z1’s hands down due to having much more control. 1520 also gives better and more consistent shots when used as a daily driver.




Category: Lumia, Nokia

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