

Skype Premium Vouchers rolling out worth £59.88

| December 20, 2013 | 5 Replies

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Lots of nice free stuff this week. First the £20 Nokia gift card now some Skype Premium 🙂 (I believe there was also a very cheap Xbox Music limited offer for $30 or something like that?).

Anyway, whilst the Nokia gift card rolled out within minutes, the Skype premium took a day or two leaving some to believe they’d never get it. But here it is.

It’s usually £5.99/month or £59.88 for a year. Hopefully it will not automatically renew unless I choose to keep the service. You can still sign up if you haven’t already. You’ll get an email and all you have to do is copypasta the voucher code to the link they provide.
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Category: Nokia

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