

Leakyleak: Nokia Lumia 635 screenshot (4G, 1GB RAM?)

| December 30, 2013 | 11 Replies

Screen Shot 2013-12-30 at 16.37.59

Here’s a screenshot from the single sim variant of Moneypenny. Note that it shows a single sim 4G, 6:35 in the name. Prashant notes that Asphalt 8 is shown which might indicate that the device has 1GB RAM due to to Asphalt 8 not yet being optimised for 512mb(?). However, given that the 525 has 1GB RAM, we should expect the newer refresh to have this too.

As noted, below, the on screen buttons are also visible.

Cheers Alvester and Prashant for the tip.


Category: Nokia

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