Video & Gallery: Our Nokia Lumia 2520 Unboxing (Red – Global Variant)

| January 11, 2014 | 0 Comments


Finally! After a series of unfortunate nerve racking delays (including me not getting the 2520 while I was in Jordan due to a freak blizzard, then me leaving the country before it left and having it chase me halfway across the world to Chicago), I’ve finally gotten my hands on the gorgeous red Lumia 2520. Back when this was announced at Nokia world I instantly fell in love with it, before hearing a single word about the specs, for one single reason; the viewing angles. Now that I’ve finally gotten my hands on it, it’s everything that I could’ve dreamed of and more; the color decision was a difficult one, I knew the glossy one would be a fingerprint and scratch magnet, but it looked so damn good that I couldn’t resist so… YOLO.

Check out the unboxing video below! (Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel):

My first impressions of the 2520 so far have been completely positive, but I already knew what I was getting into seeing that I played around with it at Nokia world. So far I don’t have any regrets or second guesses about the color, even though it’s already plagued with finger prints, the red color in my opinion is as classy as it gets (and it goes perfect with my new watch, so that’s a huge bonus). Concerning the weight and dimensions, even as a long time iPad user (not the Air or the Mini- regular 3rd Gen iPad); I didn’t find the 2520 to be obtrusively heavy or unweildly, in fact it feels a lot nicer in the hand than the iPad, especially in these cold Chicago winters that make the aluminum on the iPad feel like ice. In terms of weight it didn’t feel abnormal, but then again I always keep my iPad in a slightly bulky folio case to protect it (something I plan on doing with the 2520 once I get the power keyboard).

Windows 8.1 RT on the 2520 felt pretty normal, given that I’m currently using a Windows 8 PC with a touch screen (the Acer V7 BTW), the touch navigation motions are pretty fluid and are easy to get used to, although occasionally it can get confusing trying to get back to an app you were just in.

So far I’m in love with the 2520, but I’m not sure how useful Windows RT will be, but I’ll get back to you on that in our full review, for now enjoy the gallery below (or head over to Flickr and view them in all their full resolution glory).

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Category: Lumia, Nokia, Unboxing, Video, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.