

Rudy Huyn now working on Official Tinder for WP “life’s too short to swipe left on WP”

| January 24, 2014 | 7 Replies

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Rudy Huyn tweets that he’s gotten a call from Tindr CEO and the “awesome” Tindr team. He says he will ‘swipe right’ with them, sharing a picture that life is too short to swipe left on WP (is this some kind of reference to Tindr app? I’ve not used it so I don’t know).

Later on, he does mention that he is now working on Tindr for WP. Nothing much more can be said except that he and the team are going to try to make the best user experience for it made.

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Rudy, also the creator of 6tag and 6snap, is actively responding to tweets and emails from users of his apps. Check out his feed, he’s one busy and dedicated guy.

Via: Reddit


Category: Applications, Lumia, Nokia

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