

Accessories: DIY Wireless Charging wallet case for Nokia Lumia 1020

| January 31, 2014 | 8 Replies

1020 wallet chargingWP_20131005_22_36_04_Pro

Unlike the 920 and 1520, the 1020 didn’t have Wireless charging built in. Now on my 920, I use a wallet case. Whilst it does add bulk, it means I only carry one thing. Wallet with cards/notes/keys/receipts can all fit in with the phone.

Now, that wallet case is pretty much just a 920 snap on cover with the faux leather wallet bit. The wireless charging shells are pretty much just snap on covers. It’s just as easy to exchange the simple snap on cover with the wireless charging shell right? (I think it was something I was contemplating on doing with the 925 too).

These are pretty cheap on eBay. This clipped on much more securely than the 920 case.

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Anyway, rip that off and exchange it for the wireless charging shell.

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This is how the wireless charging shell looks like on its own.
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Take the 1020 out of course. And add copious amounts of glue. I used gel superglue as it was less runny.

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Attach to the case. Leave for at least a day. Do not put the 1020 in as you might end up with some marks when the glue dries.1020 wallet chargingWP_20131005_22_49_54_Pro


1020 wallet chargingWP_20131006_09_10_54_ProI’m still using it on my 1020. Got bank cards, student cards.

4 months on.

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P.S. This post was meant to be published in October 2013 but I just never got around to it. I also had a ton of other accessories to share about the 920 but again, due to the piling Uni schedules it just got forgotten.

Here’s the Amazon link to the wireless charging cover. It’s a bit cheaper now.


There are various leather wallet cases to choose from on eBay so feel free to take your pick.



Category: Accessories, Lumia, Nokia

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